Experience the magical feeling of a Central American winter through the eyes of born-and-raised New Englanders.


"I can't Belize what a Panama Honduras you're being."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

¡Pura Vida en Costa Rica!

 We have seen the real Costa Rica - at least for a short while.  Over the course of two evenings, we stayed in the small mountain-coffee-farming town of Santa Cruz just outside San Isidro De El General. 

 Our friend Corry, who has done several service projects in the town over the years, connected us with a wonderful family there.  We ate, slept,and lived  the Costa Rican lifestyle while stumbling our way through conversation - our brains are exausted. 

Most families in the area are part of a coffee growing cooperative - they are proud to say their coffee is exported to 26 countries.

A coffee tree!

Lidier and his truck

We were sent off with full bellies and happy hearts

The view from the front step

1 comment:

  1. I am SOOO Happy you made it to see Fanny and Family... her english is amazing (the letter). I am loving your trip :)
